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Dawie and Lezanne's Somerset West Wedding

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

It was a bright and sunny day in Somerset West when Dawie and Lezanne promised forever to each other. The South Easterly wind took the day off and it was the perfect day for a wedding.

The DeJongh's were one of the couples whose big wedding plans were toppled by the pandemic. Instead of waiting until 2021 to say their vows, they decided to have a small ceremony for their closest friends and family in the estate where they share a home. Lezanne is an acquaintance of mine and 2 weeks before the wedding she contacted me and said they've just decided not to postpone any longer and if I was available on Heritage Day. I was so excited, since it would also be my first post lockdown wedding. We had so much fun capturing this lovely couple's love story.

I asked Lezanne to tell me a bit about their love story and she had the sweetest response that had the hopeless romantic in me smiling from ear to ear;

"We met in an unconventional manner at a time that the boat of love had left us docked and all alone. But God had a plan for our lives and it all fell into place the day we met. With a leap of faith and a heart full of love, we started our relationship. Everyday since has been a journey with my partner, my love and my friend. Today I have the most wonderful person at my side. James 1:17 states "Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, Who created all of heavens lights" To me Dawie, you are perfect."

I wish you two a happy and blessed marriage.

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